
A memorial service was held on Saturday, May 20, 2023 during the annual Battle of Resaca Reenactment at Resaca, Georgia for Bob Farrell's ashes to be scattered at the base of the 123rd New York Monument. Bob's son, Phil, and Phil's wife, Jean, came up from Raleigh, North Carolina for the memorial service. Bob Farrell passed away on November 5, 2022 and he asked that his ashes be scattered at several of his most favorite places. During the service, Phil read the 23rd Psalms, Jean played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes, three honor volleys were fired, followed by the playing of Taps. Bob's ashes were then scattered at the base of the monument.

Our friend, Robert "Bob" Farrell, of Raleigh, North Carolina, passed away on November 5, 2022. Bob was an expert on the 123rd New York Infantry and was instrumental in helping us get the 123rd New York Monument erected, where he served as our historical consultant. He was also a long time friend of our company and we even sent him one of our 28th GA t-shirts, which he wore with great pride. He was by far the number one contributor of 123rd NY information and pictures to our website. He also helped us type in the original roster list from the Morhous book some 20 years ago. Pictured above is Bob at the 123rd New York Monument Dedication Ceremony during the 2018 Battle of Resaca Reenactment. We were honored to have him as one of our speakers at the ceremony. Bob was also instrumental in getting the 123rd New York Monument erected at the Bentonville Battlefield in North Carolina. Bob lived in Raleigh and served as president of the local Civil War Rountable. He was also a member of the local volunteer fire department. Bob requested that his ashes be scattered at several of his most favorite places and we have been asked by his son to scatter some of his ashes at the 123rd New York Monument in Resaca during the 2023 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

Our friend, Jim Lafayette, of Whitehall, New York, passed away on August 28, 2021 after a long illness. Jim was a strong supporter of the 123rd New York Infantry and was instrumental in helping us to get the 123rd New York Monument erected. He and his friend Bill Frazier came down to many Battle of Resaca Reenctments and visited with our unit. Pictured above is Jim at the 123rd New York Monument Dedication Ceremony during the 2018 Battle of Resaca Reenactment. He was one of our speakers at the ceremony and we were so honored to have Jim and his American Legion Post 83 to be part of our monument dedication ceremony. Jim was buried on September 3, 2021 at the Our Lady of Angels Cemetery in Whitehall, New York with full military honors conducted by the Whitehall American Legion Post 83.

The 123rd New York Monument dedication ceremony was held during the annual Battle of Resaca Reenactment on May 19, 2018. Guests from New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Georgia attended the event.

The American Legion Post 83 Honor Guard from Whitehall, N.Y., at Present Arms during the monument dedication ceremony on May 19, 2018 at the Chitwood Farm on the Resaca Battlefield.

123rd New York historian Bob Farrell of Raliegh, N.C. saying a few words during the monument dedication ceremony on May 19, 2018 at the Chitwood Farm on the Resaca Battlefield.

Ms. Debi Craig of the Washington County Historical Society saying a few words suring the monument dedication ceremony on May 19, 2018 at the Chitwood Farm on the Resaca Battlefield.

American Legion spokesperson Jim Lafayette saying a few words during the monument dedication ceremony on May 19, 2018 at the Chitwood Farm on the Resaca Battlefield.

Speaker William "Al" Cormier of the Town of Salem Civil War Committee delivering the keynote address during the monument dedication ceremony on May 19, 2018 at the Chitwood Farm on the Resaca Battlefield.

Atlanta-based poet Lisa Sherwood reading the poem commissioned during the monument dedication ceremony on May 19, 2018 at the Chitwood Farm on the Resaca Battlefield.

Members of the 28th GA / 123rd NY Civil War Reenactors and the American Legion Post 83 Honor Guard posing in front of the 123rd New York monument during the monument dedication ceremony on May 19, 2018 at the Chitwood Farm on the Resaca Battlefield.

The installation of the 123rd New York Monument took place on November 15, 2017. The monument is now in place with the front of the monument facing the CSA earthworks - which is the same direction the regiment faced during the battle - and the back of the monument facing the Chitwood Road.

The foundation for the 123rd New York Monument had to be repoured on November 1, 2017 after we had to move the location of the monument across the Chitwood Road from the original site. The installation of the monument was scheduled to follow soon.

Our friends Bill Frazier and Jim Lafayette scattered Jerry Gunn's ashes throughout three cemeteries in Washington County, New York and parts of Vermont on July 26, 2017. Members of our unit had given Jerry's ashes to them and asked them to scatter the ashes throughout the area where the 123rd New York were from. The ashes were scattered on the graves of 123rd New York verterans Alexander Pratt, Co H, 123rd NY in Rutland, Vermont, Richard Durham, Co A 123rd, in Granville, N.Y., and Lt, Luke Carrigan, Co C, 123rd NY in Whitehall, N.Y.

A piece of the original 123rd New York flag on May 20, 2017. Here is Bill Frazier holding a piece of the original 123rd New York cloth garrison flag next to our reproduction 123rd New York silk national flag. The original flag clipping belonged to his great-grandfather, who was a member of the 123rd New York. At the end of the war, part of the original garrison flag was cut into small triangles and given out to each man in the regiment. The flag clipping was being held by Bill about 100 feet from where the regiment was located during the battle.

Bill Frazier and Jim Lafayette visit the 28th GA / 123rd NY on
May 20, 2017. On Saturday of the annual Battle of Resaca Reenactment, Bill Frazier and Jim Lafayette spent the day with our unit. They traveled down from Whitehall, New York, to sightsee and visit with us at the reenactment. Everyone in the unit was thrilled to meet them. They got to watch the reenactment and we gave them a short tour of the battlefield at the end of the day, including the ridge where the 123rd NY were located during the battle. Here they are posing with our new 123rd New York flags.

The foundation for the 123rd New York Monument was poured at the Resaca Battlefield (Chitwood Farm area) on April 29, 2017. The location was just off of the Chitwood Road in front of the field the 123rd New York crossed when they left their ridgeline.

At the Dalton Civil War Relic Show on February 6-7, 2016. Here are some photos of our table at the Dalton Civil War Relic Show at Dalton, Georgia, that we had set up for recruiting new members and for raising money for the 123rd New York monument. Our new book, Letters Home: The 123rd New York Infantry in the Atlanta Campaign, went on sale to the public for the very first time at the show.

Here's Kirk Strange presenting the Georgia state flag to the Town of Salem, New York on July 4, 2015 to commemorate their 150th anniversary celebration of the return of the 123rd New York Volunteer Regiment following the end of the Civil War. The flag was signed by everyone in our unit. In addition to the flag, we also presented to them small jars of dirt from every battlefield the 123rd New York fought at in Georgia.

Here's the Georgia state flag that was presented to the Town of Salem, New York on July 4, 2015 to commemorate their 150th anniversary celebration of the return of the 123rd New York Volunteer Regiment following the end of the Civil War. The flag was signed by everyone in the unit. The inscription on the flag reads: "Presented to the Citizens of Salem, New York
July 4, 2015,
In Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Return of the
123rd New York Volunteer Infantry,
By Members of the 28th Georgia / 123rd New York Reenactors Group,
Resaca, Georgia"

Here are members of our unit standing at the train depot in Salem, New York in July 2015 where the original 123rd New York left for service in 1862 and returned from service in 1865.

Here are members of our unit standing at the location in Salem, New York in July 2015 where the original 123rd New York mustered in during 1862.

Here are members of our unit conducting a living history demonstration at the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park Visitor Center in June 2015.

Here is service dog Penny Ferguson at the 2015 Battle of Resaca Reenactment who we voted in as 1st Lieutenant for the remainder of the year.

Here are members of our unit posing with the Georgia state flag that will be given to the town of Salem, NY. We are on the very spot that the 123rd New York defended during the Battle of Resaca. May 2015.

Here's a tin type of our unit taken by historical photographer Wendell Decker
at the 2015 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

Here's our unit posing for a tin type at the 2015 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

Here's historical photographer Wendell Decker preparing to take our photo at the 2015 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

Here's our field musicians playing for Morning Colors at the 2015 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

Here's our field musicians playing for the 2015 Confederate Memorial Day service at the Resaca Confederate Cemetery.

Here's our unit at the 2015 Confederate Memorial Day service at the Resaca Confederate Cemetery.

Here's our bugler doing a presentation to the public at the McDaniel Farm Living History in Duluth, Georgia in November 2014.

Dennis Melville, who spearheaded the 28th Georgia monument project, standing next to the monument during the dedication service, August 2, 2014.

The unit and friends at the 28th Georgia, Company G monument dedication service at the Fort Wayne Civil War Historic Site in Resaca, Georgia, on August 2, 2014.

Getting ready for a demonstration at the 2014 Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park Living History.

Members of our unit at the filming of the motion picture "A Walk in the Woods" with Robert Redford and Nick Nolte in Atlanta in May 2014.

Being presented our new battalion colors at the 2014 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

Here's our unit at the 28th Georgia Monument groundbreaking ceremony at the Fort Wayne Civil War Historic Site in Resaca, Georgia in April 2014.

Here's our unit at the 2014 Confederate Memorial Day service at the Resaca Confederate Cemetery.

Here's our newest recruit during the filming of Conan O'Brien's talk show Conan in March 2013.
Lucky for Conan, we were short on soldiers. Hmm, maybe we should have gone with Jay Leno.

Here's Conan O'Brien joining our ranks during the filming of his talk show Conan in March 2013.
He was apparently having problems with one of his props. Good help is hard to get.

Our field musicians at the Battle of Allatoona Pass living history in October 2012.

Members of our unit at the Battle of Tunnel Hill Reenactment in September 2012.

Filming of the new Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park visitor center film in June 2012.

Filming of the new Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park visitor center film in June 2012.

Filming of the new Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park visitor center film in June 2012.

At the Kennesaw Mountain Living History in June 2012 with our South Korean fan club.

Members of our unit as Confederates at the Kennesaw Mountain Living History in June 2012.

Members of our unit as Federals at the Battle of Resaca Reenactment, Resaca, Georgia, in May 2012.

Members of our unit at the Confederate Memorial Day service at the Resaca Confederate Cemetery, Resaca, Georgia, in April 2012.

Filming of the new Chicakmauga and Chattanooga National Military Park visitor center film in September 2011.

Some of the 123rd New York at the Point Park Living History on Lookout Mountain
in August 2011.

Some of the 28th Georgia at the July 4th Parade in Blue Ridge, Georgia
in July 2011.

The 28th Georgia at the Battle of Resaca Reenactment at Resaca, Georgia
in May 2011.

The 28th Georgia at the Battle of Resaca Reenactment at Resaca, Georgia
in May 2011.

Some of the 28th Georgia at the Confederate Memorial Day Service at the Resaca Confederate Cemetery, Resaca, Georgia in April 2011.

Some of the 28th Georgia at the Battle of Fort Sanders Reenactment
in October 2010.

Some of the 28th Georgia at the Allatoona Pass Living History in October 2010.

Some of the 28th Georgia at the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park
Living History in June 2010.

Some of the 123rd New York at the Battle of Resaca Reenactment in May 2010.

Some of the 28th Georgia at the Confederate Memorial Day Service in April 2010.

Some of the 28th Georgia at the 2008 Battle of Gettysburg Reenactment in Gettysburg, PA.

The 28th Georgia at the 1998 Battle of Chickamauga Reenactment near Chickamauga, GA.

The 28th Georgia at the 1997 Barnsley Gardens Reenactement at Adairsville, GA.

The 28th Georgia at the 1991 Battle of Tunnel Hill Reenactment at Tunnel Hill, GA.

The 28th Georgia at the 1990 Battle of Bibb's Furnance Reenactment.