Roster - Company C
Whitehall raised eighty-five men for the 123rd regiment, and was the third town to send a company to the rendezvous at Salem, taking third position -- Co. C. this town was not wanting in patriotism, and appropriated means to fill every call for troops. Co. C. was paid a County bounty of $4275, any state bounty of the same.
Commissioned Officers
Tanner, Adolphus H. - was the first Captain of the company. Date commissioned, Sept. 10, 1862; day of rank, August 17, 1862. Promoted Major May 12, 1863; promoted Lt. Col. November 19, 1864; wounded at Dallas, Ga.; discharged with regiment. Was elected to Congress in 1868.
Wallace, George H. - was the second Captain of the company. Date of commission, Oct. 15,1863; date of rank, May 12, 1863 resigned Jan. 11, 1864.
Warren, Hiram O. - was the third Captain of the company, been promoted from Co. K.. Date of commission March 15, 1864; date of rank Jan. 12, 1864; discharged with regiment.
Warner, Walter G. - was the first 1st lieutenant. Date of commission, Sept. 10, 1862; date of rank Aug. 14, 1862; detached on General Paul's staff; resigned February 11, 1863; died since the war.
Corbett, John C. - was the first Second Lieutenant; date of commission, Sept. 10, 1862; date of rank Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Chancellorsville and buried on the field.
Carrington, Luke H. - was the second Second Lieutenant, promoted from Orderly Sergeant. Date of commission May 22, 1865; date of rank May 3, 1863; was military conductor.; discharged with regiment.
Non-Commissioned Officers
Farrel, R. W. - Sergeant; wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment.
Gillette, Leonard S. - Corporal; promoted Sergeant; killed at Chancellorsville.
Hillard, Nicolas - Orderly Sergeant; discharge with regiment.
Hollister, John C. - Corporal; discharged with regiment.
Hutton, William, Jr. - promoted to Sergeant; wounded at Peachtree Creek while carrying the colors; Died in hospital from wounds; buried there.
Johnson, Michael - Sergeant; deserted when regiment reached Washington.
Kinney, Patrick - promoted to corporal; discharged with regiment.
Manville, Orville - Corporal; wounded at Chancellorsville; detached to Invalid Corps; promoted to hospital steward. Honorably discharged at close of war.
Morhous, Henry C. - Sergeant; discharged with regiment.
Mosher, Abram - Corporal; discharged soon after enlistment.
Penfield, E. S. - Corporal; discharged with regiment.
Smith, John C. - promoted to corporal; discharged with a regiment.
Vananden, John - Corporal; discharged with regiment.
Wrangham, Thomas J. - Corporal; promoted Sergeant; discharged with regiment.
Wright, George - Corporal; killed at Chancellorsville.
Allen, Joseph Willard - discharged with regiment.
Allen, William H., killed at Peachtree Creek.
Barrett, Joseph - recruit; transferred to 60th N.Y. regiment; drowned in Lake Champlain since the war.
Beatty, George H. - discharged with regiment.
Black, George S. - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment.
Blanchard, Hiram C. - discharged with regiment. After war became editor of the Fort Edward Gazette.
Bogart, Joseph - discharged for disability.
Bourden, Mark - deserted at Fairfax Station, Virginia.
Brannock, George - discharged with regiment.
Bryan, Thomas - discharged for disability.
Buell, Andrew A. - on detached duty; promoted Lieutenant; did not report for muster.
Butler, Winfield - discharged with regiment.
Carle, John - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment.
Carroll, James - discharged for disability.
Clemons, Henry - discharged or disability.
Cook, Pascal L. - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment.
Crow, Edward - discharged with regiment
Crowley, James - discharged with regiment.
Crowley, Michael - wounded at Gettysburg and discharged for disability.
Cull, Frank - killed at Chancellorsville.
Cull, Jed. - discharged with regiment.
Day, Edward B. - discharged with regiment.
Dilts, Joseph H. - died in hospital at Harper's Ferry.
Donahue, Charles - died in hospital at Atlanta, Ga.; buried there.
Douglas, John - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment.
Earls, James W., Jr. - supposed to have drowned in the Ohio River while returning from a furlough.
Forget, George - discharged for disability.
Foster, William - discharged with regiment.
Holt, William - killed at Chancellorsville; buried on the field.
Horton, George - discharged with a regiment.
Huntington, Wesley P. - killed at Gettysburg; buried there.
Hurlburt, James - discharged with regiment.
Johnson, Henry F. - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment; died since the war.
Kelley, Thomas - discharged with a regiment.
Killgallon, James - wounded twice at Chancellorsville; discharged for
King, Louis - deserted at Fairfax Station, Virginia.
Knowles, George D. - discharged with regiment.
Lamb, George W. - Teamster; discharged with regiment; died in 1878.
Lamb, William P. - wounded at Chancellorsville; promoted Lieutenant of U.S. Colored Regiment; discharged; after the war resided in New York.
Leet, Charles - recruit; transferred to 60th N.Y. regiment.
Leonard, George H. - killed at Chancellorsville; buried on the field.
Leonard, Nathan - supposed to have been killed at Chancellorsville.
Manning, John W. - discharged with regiment.
McCarty, Thomas - discharged with regiment; died since the war.
Meatt, Napoleon - discharged for disability.
Moon, Franklin - wounded at Chancellorsville; died since the war.
Morris, Charles W. - discharged with regiment.
Norton, Charles H. - discharged for disability; died at home.
O'Connor, Daniel - discharged with regiment.
O'Reilly, James - discharged with regiment.
Pardo, Horace - discharged with regiment.
Price, Joseph - discharged with regiment.
Rose, Charles - deserted at Fairfax Station, Virginia.
Sager, David H. - killed at Chancellorsville; buried on the field.
Scott, Richard - discharged with regiment.
Sears, John, Jr. - died in hospital at Savannah; buried there.
Sherman, James J. - wounded at Chancellorsville twice; discharged with regiment; drowned in Lake Champlain since the war.
Shields, Daniel - discharged for disability.
Smith, -- -- - recruit; transferred to 60th N.Y. regiment.
Stevenson, William - recruit; transferred to 60th N.Y. regiment.
Tafft, Andrew J. - discharged with regiment.
Tafft, Henry N. - discharged with regiment.
Tafft, Hiram A. - discharged with regiment.
Tafft, Hiram, Jr. - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment; drowned in Lake Champlain in 1878.
Terrill, Richard - discharged with regiment.
Tigh, Michael - discharged for disability.
Thompson, Nathan - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with the regiment.
Wells, George D. - discharged with the regiment.
Whitney, Edson - musician; died in hospital at Harper's Ferry.
Whitton, Joseph - taken prisoner while foraging; discharged with the regiment; drowned since the war.
Wilson, Andrew - discharged with the regiment.
Winn, George R. - wounded at Bentonville, N.C.; discharged with the regiment.
Information compiled by Bob Farrell.