Roster - Company F

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123rd New York Company F Roster
Antique image of the 123 New York, Company F roster.
Photo courtesy of Steve Dayton.
Argyle was not wanting in the support of the government in the trying hours of the late Civil War. The taxes for the encouragement of enlistment during the four years aggregated nearly $100,000. Alexander Barkley, John Gillis, James Hall, C. G. Harsha, J. MacCall, E. Hill, W. D. Robertson, William Lendrum, Henry Shepherd, William Clapp and T.McN. Congdon, served on the War Committee, and their action secured the requisite quotes. The town sent out one company of 100 men with the 123rd regiment, enlisted them between July 24th and Aug. 22nd, 1862, with all but six enlisting at Argyle, viz; John Scott, James T. Hay and William Sheffield enlisting at Greenwich; Samuel Johnson and W. J. Copeland at Hebron, and Alexander Reid at Hartford. The Company was the sixth to reach Salem, and took position in the Regiment as Co. F, receiving $4,850 bounty from the county and the same from the state.
Commissioned Officers
Robertson, Duncan - Captain; Date of commission, Sept. 10, 1862; date of rank, Aug. 22, 1862; discharged with regiment; after the war, was a farmer in Argyle.
Reid, Donald - 1st Lieutenant; Date of commission, Sept. 10, 1862; date of rank, Aug. 22, 1862; discharged with regiment; after the war, was a farmer in Argyle.
Robinson, George - 2nd Lieutenant; Date of commission, Sept. 10, 1862; date of rank, Aug. 22, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut. Co. C.; served on General Williams staff for about two years; discharged with regiment; after the war, was a Chaplain at Fort Beaufort.
Martin, Walter F. - 2nd Lieutenant; was a Sergeant Major of the regiment; was promoted to the place of George Robinson. Date of commission, Oct. 21, 1863; date of rank, Feb. 11, 1863; was taken prisoner June 22nd at Culp's Farm; escaped from prison and joined the regiment at Atlanta the following winter; discharged with regiment; whereabouts after the war unknown.
Non-Commissioned Officers
Crawford, Andrew L. - Sergeant; promoted quartermaster; discharged with the regiment; after the war, was a merchant at Fort Edward.
Durkee, Schuyler - Corporal; age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1862 at Argyle to serve three years; mustered in as a private, Co. F, September 4, 1862; promoted to corporal on July 27, 1864; mustered out with company, June 8, 1865, near Washington, D.C.
Frank, John - Sergeant; discharged with regiment; died at Lake, Washington County, New York, Jan. 22, 1878.
McClellan, Daniel M. - Corporal; age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 4, 1862 at Argyle to serve three years; mustered in as a private, Co. F, September 4, 1862; wounded in action at Chancellersville, Va., May 1863; promoted to corporal on August 1, 1863; mustered out with the company, June 8, 1865, near Washington, D.C.; also borne as McLellan. He was born in New York and after serving in the Army he was mustered into Stedman Post, No. 198, Department of Michigan, September 4, 1885, and elected Chaplain, which office he held until the time of his death. He died on December 16, 1886 from consumption at the age of 45 years. On December 26th, a memorial service was held in the Opera House at Reed City, under the auspices of the Post, to pay respect to his memory.
McCollum, William J. - Sergeant; age, 22 years. Enlisted, July 31, 1862, at Argyle, to serve three years; mustered in as a private, Co. F, August 22, 1862; promoted to corporal, September 4, 1862; promoted to sergeant, April 21, 1863; mustered out with the company, June 8, 1865, near Washington, D.C. After the war, was a farmer in Salem.
McDougall, Duncan R. - Corporal; born around 1841 in Argyle, New York; age, 21 years; enlisted, August 22, 1862, at Argyle, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, September 4, 1862; wounded in action, at Chancellorsville, Va., May, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, June 8, 1865, near Washington, D.C.
McMurray, Sylvester - Sergeant; discharged with regiment; after the war, was a farmer in Argyle.
Robinson, George L. - Sergeant; discharged for disability, April 21, 1863; died at Argyle July 11, 1863.
Rowan, James M. - Sergeant; wounded at Culp's Farm; died from effects of wound, June 24, 1864.
Scott, George - Sergeant; transferred to 16 U.S.I., July 16, 1864; after the war, was a lawyer at Fort Edward.
Smith, Robert C. - Corporal; enlisted as private for 3 years, July 30, 1862 at age 24; mustered in Sep. 4, 1862; promoted corporal, July 4, 1863; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865; died in 1922 and was buried in the Prospect Hill Cemetery in Argyle, New York.
White, Daniel M. - Sergeant; discharged with regiment; after the war, was a hotelkeeper in Salem.
Williams, Jacob - Sergeant; Enlisted at age 28 years on August 4, 1862 at Argyle to serve three years; mustered in as a private in Co. F on August 22, 1862; promoted to corporal on September 4, 1862; wounded twice in action on May 3, 1863 at Chancellorsville, Va.; promoted to sergeant, no date; developed consumption in camp; discharged for disabiliity on September 23, 1864 at Cleveland, Ohio. Died at home in Argyle on December 1, 1864 at the age of 30.
Armstrong, William J. - discharged for disability Jan. 4, 1864; after the war, was a farmer in Argyle.
Bain, George K. - discharged for disability Nov. 30, 1862; died at Argyle, Jan. 7, 1863.
Bain, John - discharged with regiment; after the war, worked on a farm in Argyle.
Baker, Garner - was known to be wounded at Chancellorsville, but was never heard from; supposed to have died there.
Bearheau, Charles - recruit; further information unknown.
Beatty, Orlando T. - discharged with regiment; after the war, was a farmer in Greenwich.
Brady, William M. - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment; died at Buffalo, Neb., in 1870.
Byrne, John - enlisted in the 145th New York, from New York City, and was transferred to Company F, 123rd NYSV, Jan., 1864; wounded at Peach Tree Creek; discharged, reason of wounds, Jan. 19, 1865.
Campbell, William R. - wounded at Dallas; discharged with regiment; was killed by the cars in the western part of the state in 1877.
Carter, Charles - discharged with the regiment; after the war, lived in Vermont.
Carter, Henry C. - recruit; further information unknown.
Cartwright, Joseph - died April 21, 1865.
Clark, Philip S. - enlisted in the 145th New York, from New York City, and was transferred to Company F, 123rd NYSV, Jan., 1864; discharged with regiment.
Conklin, James H. - discharged April 21, 1863; after the war, lived in Fort Edward; died Nov. 8, 1904; buried in the Union Cemetery at Fort Edward, Washington County, New York.
Copeland, William J. - discharged with regiment; after the war, was a farmer in Argyle.
Crawford, James H. - discharged with regiment; died at Fort Edward, Jan. 3, 1877.
Cronk, Robert J. - wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to V.R.C., Feb. 15, 1864; after the war, was a wagon maker in Sandy Hill.
Currens, James - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Curtis, Clark - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Greenwich.
Curtis, Simon D. - discharged June 13, 1863.
Damels, Henry C. - enlisted in the 145th New York, from New York City, and was transferred to Company F, 123rd NYSV, Jan., 1864; discharged with regiment
Delmore, John - enlisted in the 145th New York, from New York City, and was transferred to Company F, 123rd NYSV, Jan., 1864; taken prisoner, March 9, 1865; discharged at close of war.
Dempsy, William H. - enlisted in the 145th New York, from New York City, and was transferred to Company F, 123rd NYSV, Jan., 1864; discharged with regiment.
Dennison, Thomas - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Dings, Charles - taken prisoner March 9, 1865; discharged at close of war; after the war, was a farmer in Argyle.
Dobbin, James S. - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment; died in Salem, July 27, 1867.
Ellsworth, Stokes - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Lake George, New York.
Emerson, William H. - died Feb. 10, 1863.
Farrell, James - recruit; further information unknown.
Fox, Barney - enlisted in the 145th New York, from New York City, and was transferred to Company F, 123rd NYSV, Jan., 1864; discharged with regiment.
Haggart, Theodore - died Jan. 6, 1863.
Hay, James Y. - wounded at Resaca; discharged with regiment; died in Hebron, Feb. 26, 1879.
Hopkins, Taylor A. - killed at Peach Tree Creek.
Hutchins, Henry G. - died Jan. 15, 1863.
Irwin, David - wounded May 10, 1865, near Goldsboro; discharged with regiment; died in Argyle, Sept. 2, 1866.
Irwin, Henry - transferred to V.R.C., July 16, 1863; discharged at close of war; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Johnson, Samuel - died while connected with the Army.
Kilmer, Archibald - discharged with regiment; after the war, moved from New York to Kansas with his mother and family to live closer to his sister, Hannah Elizabeth.
Kinney, Ebenezer - wounded in the arm at Peach Tree Creek; discharged at close of war; after the war, lived in Austin, Minnesota.
Knickerbocker, William J. - wounded at Dallas; discharged at close of war; after the war, was a farmer in Argyle.
Lackey, William - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Lant, William A. - discharged for disability, March 16, 1863; died in Argyle, Dec. 9, 1868.
Laporte, Joseph - discharged for disability March 16, 1863; in 1864 reenlisted, and was transferred to the 60th New York, June 3, 1865; after the war, lived in Pennsylvania.
Malone, Patrick - taken prisoner at Culp's Farm, and died in prison.
McCandless, Matthew - discharged for disability, June 9, 1863; after the war, lived in Sandwich, Ill.
McCloskey, John - discharged with regiment.
McDougall, Alexander L. - discharged for disability, June 9, 1863; after the war, lived in Salem.
McKibben, George - wounded and taken prisoner at Chancellorsville; died while in prison.
McMurray, Joseph Miller - Enlisted at age 24 years on August 7, 1862 at Argyle to serve three years; mustered in as a private in Co. F on September 4, 1862; wounded in action on July 20, 1864 at Peach Tree Creek, Ga. and was severely wounded in the right shoulder; discharged for disability caused from wounds on February 16, 1865 at Troy, N.Y. Died on February 15, 1872.
McNeil, Moses L. - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Mickle, George - wounded at Culp's Farm; discharged with regiment; after the war, was a blacksmith in Deervanesburgh Center.
Mickle, Jacob - discharged with regiment; died at West Fort Ann, Oct. 18, 1874.
Mickle, John - recruit; after the war, was a blacksmith at Fort Edward.
Moorish, Joseph - died Oct. 28, 1864.
Morrison, William H. - discharged with regiment; whereabouts after the war unknown.
Murray, John - deserted.
Nelson, William J. - wounded May 10, near Goldsboro; discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Troy.
Pendergrass, Robert A. - discharged with regiment; died in Troy, in 1877.
Perry, James E. - discharged with regiment, after the war, lived in Argyle.
Peterson, Duncan A. - taken prisoner May 3, 1863; discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Iowa.
Reid, Alexander - discharged with regiment; after the war, was a harness maker in Providence, Rhode Island.
Reid, Charles E. - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Crawfordsville, Iowa.
Reid, Harvey M. - died Feb. 26, 1863.
Rexstraw, John E. - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in New York City.
Rice, Clark - promoted to Commissary Sergeant; after the war, lived in Cambridge, New York.
Robbins, Peter - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged March 24, 1864; after the war, was a driver on the Erie Canal.
Robinson, George H. - lost an arm at Peach Tree Creek, Ga.; discharged at close of war; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Robinson, Orville C. - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Robinson, Zenas S. - discharged Jan. 26, 1863; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Rogers, Thomas - wounded at New Hope Church, Ga.; discharged at close of war; after the war, lived in Salem.
Scott, Abner Q. - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Scott, John - wounded at Culp's Farm; discharged with regiment; died in the west.
Scott, William H. - discharged with regiment; died at Syracuse, New York.
Selfridge, John T. - discharged with regiment; after the war, was a farmer in Newburgh, New York.
Sheffield, William - discharged at close of war; after the war, lived in Greenwich.
Skellie, William C. - wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Smith, Russell C. - enlisted for 3 years, Aug. 11, 1862, at age 18; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865; after the war, was a farmer in Argyle.
Smith, William H. - wounded at Chancellorsville, discharged with regiment; after the war, was a farmer in Nebraska.
Stewart, David G. - killed at Culp's Farm, Ga., June 22, 1864.
Stowe, James - wounded at Peach Tree Creek; discharged Jan. 20, 1865; after the war, lived in Canada.
Taylor, George L. - supposed to have been killed at Chancellorsville.
Taylor, James W. - discharged with regiment; after the war, was a wagon maker in Argyle.
Tucker, Simon - discharged with regiment; after the war, lived in Argyle.
Williams, John D. - Enlisted at the age of 26 years on August 9, 1862 at Argyle to serve three years; mustered in as a private in Co. F on September 4, 1862; mustered out with the company on June 8, 1865 near Washington, D.C. After the war, lived near Crawfordsville, Iowa.
Williams, Robert M. - Enlisted at the age of 22 years on August 4, 1862 at Argyle to serve three years; mustered in as a private in Co. F on September 4, 1862; captured in action on May 3, 1863 at Chancellorsville, Va.; paroled, no date; mustered out with the company on June 8, 1865 near Washington, D.C. After the war, was a farmer in Argyle.
Willson, Christopher - discharged with regiment; died at North Argyle, Jan. 25, 1868.
Wood, William J. - killed at Chancellorsville.
Information compiled by Bob Farrell.