Roster - Company D
Putnam, Dresden, and Fort Ann
The towns of Putnam, Dresden and Fort Ann were designated by the War Committee to raise one company for the regiment. Putnam raised 30 men, Dresden 14 and Fort Ann 67. These towns sent the fourth company to the rendezvous at Salem, 99 men in all, and took the fourth position as Company D. The County bounty paid was $4,950; State bounty the same.
Commissioned Officers
Barron, John - Captain, enlisted at Fort Ann; date of commission, Sept. 10, 1862; date of rank, August 14, 1862; mysteriously dissappeared while the regiment was stationed at Arlington Heights and never showed up again at Fort Ann; was believed to have been murdered in the Washington, D.C., area; dismissed for absence without leave, Feb. 22, 1863.
Anderson, Alexander - enlisted at Putnam as 1st Lieutenant; date of commission, Sept. 10, 1862; date of rank, August 14, 1862; promoted Captain; date of commission, May 21, 1863; date of rank, February 22, 1863; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Quinn, Edward P. - 2nd Lieutenant, enlisted at Fort Ann; date of commission, September 19, 1862; date of rank, August 14, 1862; promoted 1st Lieutenant; date of commission, May 21, 1863; date of rank, February 22, 1863; wounded at Culp's Farm; discharged May 15, 1865.
Swift, Jr., Willis - enlisted at Fort Ann as Orderly Sergeant; promoted 2nd Lieutenant; date of commission, May 21, 1863; date of rank, February 22, 1863; detailed to command of pioneer and ambulance corps; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Martin, Walter F. - promoted to Sergeant-Major; Fort Ann; to Lieutenant; detailed for staff duty; taken prisoner at Culp's Farm; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Non-Commissioned Officers
Sartwell, Henry - Sergeant; Fort Ann; wounded at Chancellorsville; at Culp's Farm; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865. Born at Ticonderoga, New York. Received the Medal of Honor on November 17, 1896, for his action on May 3, 1863, during the Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. The citation read, "Was severely wounded by a gunshot in his left arm, went half a mile to the rear but insisted on returning to his company and continued to fight bravely until he became exhausted from the loss of blood and was compelled to retire from the field."
Cummings, James L. - Sergeant; Putnam; wounded at Dallas (New Hope Church); died of wound soon after. After a torrential rainfall, he stood up in the trench line to get out of the mud and was shot in the head. He was carried behind the lines to a field hospital where he soon died. Buried in the Marietta National Cemetery, Marietta, Georgia.
Vaughn, Job - promoted Sergeant; Fort Ann; detailed to color guard; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
McLaughlin, John A. - Orderly Sergeant; Putnam; enlisted in 44th regiment, 1861; discharged; re-enlisted in 123d July 30, 1862; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Gourlie, John C. - Corporal; promoted Sergeant; Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Bull, Rice C. - Corporal; promoted Sergeant; Fort Ann; wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Kingsley, George F. I. - Corporal; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Nicholson, Alexander - Corporal; Fort Ann; wounded at Chancellorsville; taken prisoner in Georgia, and remained a prisoner until after the close of the war.
Pattison, George - Corporal; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Rowell, Nathaniel S. - promoted Corporal; Fort Ann; served one year as scout; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Maxwell, Robert - Corporal; Putnam; discharged for disability, January 13, 1863.
McLaughlin, William - promoted Corporal; Putnam, discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Wright, George T. - Corporal; Putnam.
Williamson, D. Ray - Corporal; Putnam; wounded at Peach Tree Creek; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Anderson, Jr., William - Private; Putnam, enlisted Mar. 20, 1864; died of disease at Chattanooga, Tenn., November 15, 1864.
Backus, Jarius D. - Private; Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Barrett, Carter - Private; Dresden; discharged for disability in 1862.
Barrett, Dennis - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Bartholomew, Charles - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Bartholomew, Joseph - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Batchelder, Orestes G. - Private; Fort Ann; detailed as Hospital Steward; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Belden, Levi A. - Private; Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Belden, Orrin - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Benson, Andrew E. - Private; Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Blair, George W. - Private; Putnam; discharged for disability February 23, 1863; died of fever February 26, 1863 at Washington, D.C.
Blanchard, Charles - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Blanchard, Edward - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Brinor, Orson - Private; Fort Ann; wounded at Dallas; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Chase, George W. - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Chase, Horace - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Chase, Marvin - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Chubb, Thaddeus - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Clark, William O. - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Congdon, Joseph H. - Private; Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Corbett, Albert - Private; Fort Ann; was not old enough to enlist but was bound to go. He joined Co. D at Salem, and after reaching Washington was mustered; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Corning, Leonard - Private; Fort Ann; promoted Hospital Steward, regiment, brigade and division; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Crowly, Timothy - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Cummings, John C. - Private; Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Cummings, Robert I. - Private; Putnam; absent from regiment since July 17, 1864.
Cunningham, James - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Dana, Thomas - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Dedrick, Henry A. - Private; Putnam; died of disease at Madison, Ind., July 25, 1864.
Easton, Darwin - Private; Putnam; died of disease at Stafford Court House, Va., March, 1863.
Eastman, S. A. - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Eaton, Levi - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Finch, Jeremiah - Private; Fort Ann; killed at Chancellorsville.
Fisher, Andrew J. - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Fisher, Ransom O. - Private; Fort Ann; accidentally killed with revolver at Bridgeport, Ala., Dec., 1863.
Fuller, John - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Green, John - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Grout, Charles - Private; Fort Ann; died of disease at Chattanooga, Tenn., June, 1863.
Hall, John - Private; Fort Ann; wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Harvey, Edwin F. - Private; Putnam; enlisted December 25, 1863; transferred to 60th N.Y., discharged August 1, 1865.
Harvey, Joel - Private; Fort Ann; wounded at Peach Tree Creek; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Haskins, Peter L. - Private; Fort Ann; detailed as Hospital Steward; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Haynes, James H. - Private; Putnam; died of disease at Harper's Ferry, Va., November 15, 1862.
Heddleston, William B. - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Henderson, William - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Hopkins, Oscar F. - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Leigh, James D. - Private; Putnam; discharged February 23, 1863; re-enlisted 5th Cavalry; discharged.
Lesson, John - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Loomis, James H. - Private; Fort Ann; died of disease at Harper's Ferry, Va., in 1863.
Loomis, William H. - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Martin, Reuben W. - Private; Fort Ann; died of disease, 1862.
Mattison, Albert - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Mattison, Eli - Private; Fort Ann; detailed as butcher; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Mattison, George - Private; Fort Ann; died of disease, 1862.
Mattison, James M. - Private; Fort Ann; died of disease, 1863.
McLaughlin, Alexander - Private; Putnam; enlisted April 16, 1861, 3d Cavalry; discharged; re-enlisted in 123d July 30, 1862; died of disease Dec. 1, 1863, while home on furlough.
McLaughlin 2d, James - Private; Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
McLaughlin, Robert - Private; Putnam; enlisted March 25, 1864; transferred to 60th N.Y., discharged August 1, 1865.
McLaughlin, William D. - Private; Putnam; enlisted March 1, 1864; transferred to 60th N.Y., discharged August 1, 1865.
McNutt, Isaac - Private; Fort Ann; wounded at Chancellorsville; died of wounds May 15, 1863, at Acquia Creek, Va.; supposed to be buried there.
McWhorter, Philip - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Miller, Kilbourn A. - Private; Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Moore, William - Private; Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Nicholson, Charles - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
O'Connor, Daniel - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Petty, Joseph - Private, Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Platt, James - Private; Dresden; recruit enlisted March 25, 1864; discharged July 17, 1865.
Plew, Baker R. - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Plew, Royal - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Plue, Allen - Private; Fort Ann; transferred to Battery F, Artillery, for one year; discharged June 8, 1865.
Raymo, Edward - Private; Fort Ann; recruit, enlisted April, 1864; transferred to 60th N.Y.; discharged; re-enlisted in U.S. regiment; wounded at New Orleans; promoted Sergeant; died at Hartford in January, 1875.
Rice, Edward - Private; Fort Ann; died of disease at Alexandria, Va., December, 1862.
Rich, R. P. - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Rich, Seymour D. - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Rowell, Page - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Shandley, Barney - Private; Fort Ann; wounded at Peach Tree Creek; died of wounds soon after.
Shelden, George - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Smith, Oliver H. - Private; Fort Ann; taken prisoner at Culp's Farm; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Spencer, Phineas M. - Private; Fort Ann; hospitalized for typhoid fever while the regiment was stationed near Harper's Ferry; developed gangrene in both feet and had two toes amputated; discharged for disability, 1863.
Swift, Julius - Private; Fort Ann; detailed to ambulance corps; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Thompson, Alexander C. - Private, Putnam; died of typhoid fever at Washington, D.C., Feb. 12, 1863.
Trowbridge, Byron - Private; Fort Ann.
Vaugh, James M. - Private, Putnam; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Van Wormer, Frank - Private; Fort Ann; drummer, discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Wagner, Daniel - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Walker, Amos - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Walker, Lewis - Private; Fort Ann; discharged for disability, 1863.
Wallace, James F. - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Ward, Asahel - Private; Dresden; died of fever at Stafford Court House, Va.
Welch, Charles - Private; Fort Ann; detailed to ambulance corps; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Williams, Theodore - Private; Fort Ann; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Woodruff, Albert - Private; Fort Ann; wounded at Cassville; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Young, Joseph - Private; Dresden; discharged with regiment, June 8, 1865.
Information compiled by Staff.